Hi I have been collecting astronomical images for many years now and have been toying with the idea of building an application to house those images, so I decided to write a small application to display the objects that made& ...
messier catalog
Hi,. I just finished my first astronomical application for Android. The application is messier catalog, I hope you also find it useful! Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.domobile.messiercatalog.
Discovered by Charles Messier on April 15, 1779, it is one of the four barred spiral galaxies in Messier`s catalog (the others are M91, M95 and M109), although it is sometimes classified as intermediate between normal and& ...
It`s time again for another Messier Monday! The Messier Catalogue was the original comprehensive and accurate catalogue of fixed, deep-sky objects visible to any dedicated (northern hemisphere) skywatcher with even the& ...
Hi I have been collecting astronomical images for many years now and have been toying with the idea of building an application to house those images, so I decided to write a small application to display the objects that made& ...
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